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Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Work in progress - Mars Explorer

Medium : Polychromos on Canson C à grain A3 paper
Dimensions : 22 x 32 cm
Type of work : Work in progress
Reference photo : My own reference photo copyrighted Elauza (blue lobster) and thinkstock photos (planets)
Target date : none
Today's working time : 5h30

First layer of colors
I wanted to do something else and a have chosen for a surreal composition.

Lobster have blue, green, yellow and red pigments.
By some lobsters, a genetic mutation make them unable to produce some of the pigments. So we can have blue, yellow or green lobsters or any combination of these colors. This mutation is very uncommon !

The blue lobster comes from an aquarium in the Zoo of Antwerpen in Belgium.